Saturday 8 May 2010

Hey Ladies and Gents!  Ummm.  Sup?  Nothin' much, huh?  HAHA!  I know, lame!  Alright.  Seriously.  I gotta stop!  EXAMS ARE KILLING ME!  Like, study.  I'm turnin' into study-buddy.  Don't be surprise, friends.  Heeh :)  I have to say that the month, May, is gonna be freakin' slow.  Like sloooooooowwwww.  Oh GOD!

Last Thursday, I had my English Paper 1 and 2.  I have to say, it's quite hard.  I hate the summary part.  I had to cracked my brain to think 'bout the summary.  I copied from the text to write the summary.  Went home 'round 11+.  29/4/20

On Friday, I had my Mother Tongue Paper 1 and 2.  I hate paper 1, but love paper 2.  I did quite well for both papers.  I did damn well for my Composition.I get 32/40.WOOOOHOOO!My MT teacher loves my compo.  It's a sad story.Kinda lika drama.  I'm not a drama queen in real life, but when I write stories, I can be dramatic.  I nearly cried when I wrote my compo.  I'm not gonna tell my story.  Went home 'round 11+.30/4/10

OH MANN!  I enjoyed the starting of May!  My parents went to Malaysia to celebrate Mother's Day.  Actually, there were other parents went to Malaysia too.  Biatch's parents went to Malaysia too.   I stayed at her house for more than 6 hours.  Can you believe it?  I loved it!  1/5/10

My youngest sister's birthday.  She planned to give her classmates goodie bags.  PSHHHH!  Small kids!  The lollipops were AWESOME!  I have to say I love the lollipops!  Bought her a cake.  The cake was quite delicious.  I can't upload those photos that we took.  I don't have it.  Namie and Biatch came to my house.  I was really HYPER!  You can't imagine how hyper I was.  2/5/10

I didn't do anything.  Like I didn't went out.  3/5/10

Hmmmmmm.  School.  I can't remember what happened, but as usual.  Did the same thing.  4/5/10

I didn't went to school on Wednesday and Thursday so, I didn't know what happened at school.  Friday, Geography exam.  DAMN DIFFICULT!  I left LOTS of blanks.  This is what I get for not study hard!  I deserve it!  After doing my Geography, went home straight.  On my way home, 188 passed by Nan Hua Pri Sch, I saw two Pri Sch gays playing catching.  Like they were touching each other.  There were two boys.  The boy infront was touching his friend's ass.  DAYUMM!  I was laughing kinda hard.  Luckily, nobody saw it.  Only Biatch.  7/5/10

Saturday, now.  I'm blogging, as usual.  I've been very busy these days.  I love secondary school life at the same time, hate it.  I don't knwo if it's true or it's just a rumor, but a guy from my class likes me.  FYI, I don't like him.  I hate him!  Like there was one time he called me fat.  WHAT?!  You expect me to like that kinda guy?!  Never gonna happen, mann!  Ummmm.  I think I'm falling head over heels for him.  Not my classmate, but other guy that I've been talking 'bout.  I just can't resist him.  Okay, whatever.  I just got cyber-bullied by Siu Phang.  I don't care if you're trying to embarrass me because I know that I'm not embarrass.  You know what?  You're embarrassing yourself.  Just get out!  So, I wanna sign out now.  8/5/10


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