Thursday 28 January 2010

Sup homies!So.How was today?Fun,I guess?*Sigh*I just hate Anis's attitude.Sure he can say anything bout me but PLEASE!Don't talk bout my size or ask me bout my weight.Coz that's already personal.And I'm really sensitive bout that question.I may be look happy on the outside but inside,you guys just don't know what's happening.Happy on the outside and crying on the inside.Actually,it pisses me off a lil bit.But who cares!Only some heartless people don't!Movin on,I watched a vid bout this fucking lady who doesn't have a heart,killed an innocent kitten.I didn't watch it.It's really cruel.I can't bear to hear the kitten in pain.Just makes me cry.Yes,I cried.ALOT!And my younger sister did cried too.Really sad and UGGGGHHH!Can't talk bout it.You should see that fucking lady stepped on the kitten's eyeballs.DAMN!That woman should not be alive!Oryte.I should really stop it.Btw,chatting with Asyahari right now.He's a nice man once you get to know him.Btw,it's really hard to hear me praising guys.Damn hard.Btw,I know the NCC guy name alrdy!You don't know how happy I was when I found out his name!Well,actually,I have to thank Biatch coz she was the one who saw his name.Great!Now Anis know that I had a "crush" on that NCC guy.Please don't tell him,Anis!I know lah you're in NCC with that guy but please don't tell k.K lah.Gtg.Buh-bye!


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