Wednesday 5 August 2009

great.....!now im sick..cough and im gonna do my MT oral..didnt go to school...but at 1 om,im gonna go to school to take my oral..nt gonna miss it..stupid sickness....ugggggggggggghhhhh!!!now my voice is not soo clear..a lil bit sengau...hahaha...c'mon 1 o' faster!!!i hate waiting...sha gonna be shock when she see me...they think im not gonna take my oral?!big whoop! talking crap im gonna talk bout my school life...boy,u make it so hard for me to forget u...ur just soo iresistable....everytime i try not to think bout u seems that i cant move on...ur just making it harder...everytime i try not to look at u..coz when i look at u,i'll get caught up..i dont know how to get u out of my head...bout the other guy that like,im over him..k lah..gtg..buh-bye!

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