Tuesday 17 November 2009

HEY HEY!!!i know i know....its Tokio Hotel...well,they're my favourite band..actually,theres many but they're on top of the list..hah!i'm freezing to death,biatches!!!!!!!no offence..im not calling u guys...sorry if u guys are offended...lstening to world behind my wall-tokio hotel..and at last!!!!!!i have that song in my mp3...the song's beautiful,babey!!damn beautiful..mummy!!i can't feel my fingers!!!niwaes....i miss him!!!!!i hate and love him at the same time...i dont know what to do....he's like my twin brother...and its really hard to forget bout him just like that..i wanna be a vampire....its really cool...we can fly,read people's minds and so on...but vampire doesnt exist ryte??since that time i watched twilight,i kinda believe that vampires exist..heeh:D..

I MISS MY BIATCH!!!!!!!!!!


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