Friday 11 February 2011

HEY! I've missed you so much dear blog. Lots of things have been happening while I was MIA on blogger. Created a Tumblr account. I hope you're not angry. Plus, I have not been updating that's because my laptops broke down. LKE FUCK! My classmates are not that immature like last year. They're better now. Well, kinda better. They mind their own business. Everybody just chill. I'm sitting With Yasin. He's great. Funny. Biatch is sitting infront of me. Sadly, she's sitting with an annoying boy, Zhen Ping. SUCH AN ANNOYING BOY! Hands down. Seriously, he keeps calling fat pig. Come on lah, it's like you so thin like that. If you have the balls to say that to me, let's see if you have the freaking balls to say infront of our teacher. Yeah! Moving on, I wanna new phone. Like, seriously, I've dropped my phone lots of times. I feel so sad. I hope you're not getting sick. I'm planning on getting a Nokia N97. It looks cool. GOD, I can't wait to own that goddamn phone. :) Practically, I am obsessed with All Time Low. I mean, who doesn't?! They're lookin' dang fne now! Well, they're new album, Dirty Work is coming out.. REAL SOON! Fuck, I can't wait! Nothng Personal is awesome.. I bet Dirty Work will be like 10x awesomer than Nothing Personal. I kinda miss being a Tokio Hotel freak. I used to watch their interviews EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY, and now, even when I have a phone that could access internet, I never watch their videos. I feel so sad. :'( Whatever, I still LOVE them. They are doing great now! Anyway, have you guys heard Born This Way-Lady Gaga?! It's awesome shit! She is so amazing! I can't believe people don't like her anymore now that they know she's illuminati. Well, I don't give a fuck! I still love her no matter what. I have a friend, Malcolm, he really LOVES Lady Gaga, just lke I do. He is like my long lost twin brother. 2011, fuckng great things will happen this year. Dirty Work, Lady Gaga's new album, Demi Lovato new album(maybe a solo tour yeepee!), and more. I'm so happy that Demi's not in the treatment centre anymore. She has been going through a very hard time. She s a great role model, and to her haters, FUCK OFF! This year is going to be her goddamn year, I swear! I know people will HATE me for saying this, but I think Bieber is stealing Lady Gaga's spotlight. I'm just sayin'. During AMA's, Eminem should win the Artist Of The Year, but Bieber won. Like WTF! Eminem is way older, and more experienced than that boy. He's got a magic spell on him. Maybe he went to Hogwarts or something. I don't know. Haha. Man! I still have lots of things to say. I'm watching Juno right now since I'm so bored. Well, I have to pause Juno because I wanna blog. Listening to Here Goes Nothing-Never Shout Never, and tumblr-ing while blogging. I don't wanna end this post like this. I still have lots of things to say, goddamnit! My butt is fuckiing numb because I've been sitting for like 2-3 hours? SHIT, my phone is in the living room! I am so lazy to take it. How I wish I have freaking long hands so that if I am comfortably lying on my bed, and I forgot to turn on the lights, I could just stretched one of my hands. :) I know, wow! Okay, I wanna watch Juno. Night!


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